Causes and risk factors of cellulitis

Cellulitis formation is completely normal and occurs to most people. An increase in sebaceous glands in the body causes skin to look like an orange peel while losing its natural texture. There are many reasons causing cellulitis. Cellulitis have no association with the individual’s age and weight. For example, a skinny 18-year-old girl may develop cellulitis all over her body, while a 40-year-old overweight woman is not affected with cellulitis so having no extra sebaceous glands, but having an athletic body. Some of the important factors in developing cellulitis are as follows:

  • Unhealthy diet
  • Having a sedentary life
  • Genetic factors
  • Slow body metabolism
  • Having excess fat besides slow muscle build up
  • Irregular and inadequate sleep


Cellulitis depends on your state of diet and exercise. Carbohydrate and fast food consumption can cause fat accumulation beneath the skin leading to cellulitis. Thus, take care of your body health with regular exercise, healthy diet and enough sleep.

Different types of cellulitis and how they are diagnosed

Cellulitis, dependent on skin sagging, is divided into two subgroups:

Hard cellulitis: It usually happens to young women and girls and is totally adhered to underlying muscle. It is usually accompanied by tenderness and commonly develops in thigh and buttock. Because this type of cellulitis is very tight and sticks to muscles, it is hardly caught by finger, even with pressure.

Loose cellulitis: In comparison to previous one, this cellulitis is totally separated from underlying muscles and as the muscle moves, the affected skin tissue moves too. As a result, the skin looks disgusting and awkward. This cellulitis usually occurs to those have been exercising for a long time and abruptly quitted. Also, in individuals having unhealthy diet, after a long time, muscles are converted into adipose tissue and subcutaneous cellulitis is developed.

When to see a doctor?

Cellulitis is not a harmful and life-threatening condition. Everyone in the world can develop cellulitis if having unhealthy diet and avoiding exercise. Most of the famous celebrities in the world also have a lot of cellulitis in their body and it is quite normal for people to have this condition on their skin.

So, do not blame yourself for having this condition. But if you are uncomfortable with that and don’t like your body the way it really is, you can see a specialist to have your condition treated. Whether you see a doctor at early stages of cellulitis formation or after years, is completely up to you.

Healthy diet: a strong antagonist of cellulitis and the best way to prevent and treat it.

Of the main factors playing a great role in the prevention and treatment of cellulitis is to maintain a healthy diet. Instead of eating high-calorie unhealthy food, you’d better eat food high in fiber.

Alcohol consumption and smoking are of risk factors for developing cellulitis. So we recommend that you avoid smoking and alcohol as much as possible to have a healthy skin. Eating grains and vegetables as an alternative for high-carbohydrate food will protect you forever from developing cellulitis.


Treating cellulitis with regular exercise and weight loss, also a proper prevention

An effective way to prevent cellulitis is to take proper daily exercise and weight loss seriously. However, we mentioned at the beginning that slimming and obesity are not considered as major factors in cellulitis development. Yet, experience suggests that cellulitis is more prevalent in people who have a lot of body fat compared to skinny people. Therefore, we suggest you to fight your cellulitis by adopting a regular and standard exercise program.

Doing aerobic exercise and resistance training are the best kind of exercises to overcome cellulitis.

Endermology and RF: fastest ways to treat cellulitis

In these methods, the skin is exposed to high temperature and vacuums in order to level its texture out. However, these treatments are temporary and you may need maintenance therapy after 1 or 2 years based on your diet and exercise plan.

Cellulitis treatment through endermology and RF is totally safe besides having a short convalescence. This therapy is usually recommended to those suffering from hard cellulitis and willing to regain their beauty as fast as possible.

Definitive treatment of cellulitis with laser therapy

Laser therapy is an effective treatment to remove cellulitis. This therapy, which is also approved by FDA, eliminates cellulitis permanently and in a few hours.

In this procedure, the doctor inserts a laser device under the skin and destroys cellulite tissue from the root, by radiating powerful rays. If, after this procedure, all your diet, exercise habits and activities are healthy and regular, this method will be a definite way to permanently get rid of your cellulitis. Otherwise, after a year, the condition will return.


You can buy devices used for treating cellulitis from AFA

In this article, you read about different types of cellulitis and its various treatments. Being eager to get pretty, is an innate human need. To be happy with your body and physical appearance, raise your self-confidence a lot.

AFA or Aftab Forouzan Aria company is always with you dears with its experienced team to supply and produce the devices needed by doctors, specialists and cosmetic clinics. You can purchase the best devices to treat cellulitis from AFA. For further information or to have a consultation with our experts, please call 02188107070.